Herbert Van de Sompel. Former Farmer Chases Traces. Keynote at iPres2024, Gent, Belgium. September 18 2024. Slides in Zenodo. Video recording download at Archief Vlaanderen.
Patrick Hochstenbach, Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein, and Ingrid Dillo. authorIDy: Listing Contributions by Contributor Identifier. Open Repositories 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 28 2024. Slides in Zenodo.
Patrick Hochstenbach, Ruben Verborgh, and Herbert Van de Sompel. Using an Event Notification Network for Transparent Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle Data. Open Repositories 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 28 2024. Slides in Zenodo.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein, and Patrick Hochstenbach. FAIRiCat: Supporting Discovery of a Repository's Interoperability Affordances. Open Repositories 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 26 2024. Slides in Zenodo.
Martin Klein, James Powell, and Herbert Van de Sompel. The FAIR Signposting Validator. Open Repositories 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 26 2024. Slides in Zenodo.
Ingrid Dillo and Herbert Van de Sompel. Charting multidimensional academic careers: How can repositories contribute? SciDataCon-IDW Salzburg 2023 , Salzburg, Austria, 23-26 October 2023. Slides in Zenodo.
Herbert Van de Sompel. the central in decentral. Symposium het decentrale web en Solid: scenario’s voor de toekomst, The Hague, Netherlands. June 14 2023.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Event Notifications and Signposting: orchestrating research object value chains, interlinking related objects. DANS Werklunch, The Hague, Netherlands. June 12 2023. Slides in Zenodo.
Herbert Van de Sompel. FAIR Digital Objects and FAIR Signposting. FAIR Digital Object Forum Webinar. May 26 2023. Slides in Zenodo.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Web is Rotting and what to Do About it. Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria. November 10 2021.
Herbert Van de Sompel. FAIR Signposting: A KISS Approach to a Burning Issue. DataVerse Community Meeting. June 15 2021.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Persistent Identification: Easier Said than Done. Workshop on Persistent Identifiers by the Royal Library of The Netherlands and DANS. September 10 2020.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Researcher Pod: Scholarly Communications Using the Decentralized Web. Presentation for the Technical Committee of Nationaal Digitaal Erfgoed, Bruikbaar. February 12 2020.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Reference Rot = Link Rot + Content Drift. Guest lecture at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. May 9 2019.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Niet op het web maar van het web. Guest lecture at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. May 9 2019.
Martin Klein and Herbert Van de Sompel. An Institutional Perspective to Rescue Scholarly Orphans. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2019, St. Louis, MO. April 5 2019.
Herbert Van de Sompel. To the Rescue of Scholarly Orphans. PIDapalooza 2019, Dublin, Ireland, January 23 2019.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Almost two decades at LANL. Farewell presentation at the LANL Research Library, Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 27 2018.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Martin Klein. A Web-Centric Pipeline for Archiving Scholarly Artifacts. Joint TPDL and DCMI Conference, Porto, Portugal, September 12 2018.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Deconstructed and Decentralized Scholarly Communication. Jisc/CNI Conference, Oxford, UK, July 2 2018.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Perseverance on Persistence. EuropeanaTech2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. May 15 2018. Video recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-NgdEqIjrI.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Scholarly Communication and the Decentralized Web. Meeting of the EC Horizon 2020 expert group on Future of Scholarly Publishing and scholarly Communication, Brussels, Belgium. March 26 2018.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Scholarly Communication: Deconstruct and Decentralize? Paul Evan Peters Lecture, CNI Membership Meeting, Fall 2017, Washington, DC. December 12 2017. Video recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nUe-6Ln-8.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Interoperability for Discovery and Navigation: ResourceSync and Signposting. Tutorial at OAI9, Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, Geneva, Switserland, June 21 2017.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Reference Rot = Link Rot + Content Drift. Guest lecture at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. April 27 2017.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Niet op het web maar van het web. Guest lecture at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. April 27 2017.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein, and Michael L. Nelson. To the Rescue of the Orphans of Scholarly Communication. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2017, Albuquerque, NM. April 3 2017. Video recording at https://vimeo.com/218627896.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Niet op het web maar van het web. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 14 3 2017.
Herbert Van de Sompel. En toen was er niets meer. VOGIN-IP Conferentie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 9 2017.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Another kind of openness. Open Access Symposium, Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa, December 7 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Werken aan een technische onderbouw voor autonome, samenwerkende webarchieven. NCDD's Een web van webarchieven, Eindhoven, November 17 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Web Infrastructure to Connect Repositories. NCDD's Een web van erfgoeddata, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 12 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Signposting pattern for PIDs. PIDapalooza, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 10 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Devising Affordable and Functional Linked Data Archives. JCDL 2016, Newark, NJ, June 22 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Routing Memento Requests Using Binary Classifiers. JCDL 2016, Newark, NJ, June 20 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Miel Vander Sande. Access to DBpedia Versions using Memento and Triple Pattern Fragments. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2016, Phoenix, AZ, March 17 2016.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael L. Nelson. Achieving Meaningful Interoperability for Web-based Research. CNI Membership Meeting, Fall 2015, Washington, DC. December 14 2015. Video recording at https://youtu.be/NEeDvlveEVA.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Signposting: a low-barrier component of semantic infrastructure. EUDAT Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, November 12 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Web-Centric Solutions for Web-Based Scholarship. Webinar for ICSU World Data System, July 22 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Uniform and Robust Access to Resource Versions. Tutorial at OAI9, Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, Geneva, Switserland, June 17 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Results from the Hiberlink Project. DANS, The Hague, The Netherlands, May 19 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento Time Travel. IIPC General Assembly 2015, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, April 28 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Long Term Persistence of the Web-Based Scholarly Record. OSTI STIP Meeting, Los Alamos, NM, April 20 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. A Perspective on Archiving the Evolving Scholarly Record. OCLC Workshop on the Evolving Scholarly Record, Evanston, IL, March 23 2015.
Herbert Van de Sompel. A Perspective on Archiving the Evolving Scholarly Record. OCLC Workshop on the Evolving Scholarly Record, Washington, DC, December 10 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Towards a web native scholarly communication system. LISC75, Cape Town, South Africa, November 27 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Creating Pockets of Persistence. 404/File Not Found, Washington, DC, October 24 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. When I say NOW, it's already over. iPres Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2014), Melbourne, Australia, October 10 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Towards Robust Linking and Referencing for Web-Based Scholarly Communication. Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2014), Coimbra, Portugal, July 11 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Towards Robust Linking and Referencing for Web-Based Scholarly Communication. ElPub 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 19 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Andrew Treloar. A Perspective on Archiving the Evolving Scholarly Record. OCLC/DANS Workshop on the Evolving Scholarly Record, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 10 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Using Web Infrastructure for Archiving. 3rd LIBER Workshop on Digital Curation, Vienna, Austria, May 19 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. From a System of Journals to a Web of Objects. NASIG 2014 Conference, Dallas Forth-Worth, TX, May 3 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein. ResourceSync: A Modular Framework For Web-Based Resource Synchronization. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2014. St. Louis, MO, April 31 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Open Platforms for Web Based Research Communication. SPARC 2014 Conference, Kansas City, MO, March 3 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento and Hiberlink Overview. University of Louvain, Computer Science Department, Louvain, Belgium, January 22 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. ResourceSync. Tutorial at DANS, The Hague, The Netherlands, January 21 2014.
Andrew Treloar and Herbert Van de Sompel. Riding the Wave and the Scholarly Archive of the Future. DANS, The Hague, The Netherlands, January 20 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Hiberlink: Investigating Reference Rot In Web-Based Scholarly Communication. DANS, The Hague, The Netherlands, January 15 2014.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Investigating Reference Rot In Web-Based Scholarly Communication. LIBIS seminar, University of Louvain, Louvain, Belgium, December 19 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Martin Klein. Hiberlink: Investigating Reference Rot In Web-Based Scholarly Communication. CNI Membership Meeting, Fall 2013. Washington, DC, December 9 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. ResourceSync. Tutorial at Lita Forum 2013, Louisville, KT, November 10 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson. ResourceSync. Tutorial at TPDL 2013, Valetta, Malta, September 22 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson. ResourceSync. Tutorial at OAI8, Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, Geneva, Switserland, June 19 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. A clean slate. Keynote at ELAG 2013, Gent, Belgium, May 29 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, David Rosenthal. Memento Aggregator Update. IIPC General Assembly, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 23 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. From the version of record to a version of the record. Keynote at the CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2013, San Antonio, TX. April 4 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein, Robert Sanderson. Overview of ongoing projects: Memento, Open Annotation, ResourceSync. Edina seminar, Edinburgh, UK. March 17 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. W3C Open Annotation. EUDAT User Meeting, London, UK. March 11 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Web as infrastructure for scholarly research and communication. Keynote at the International Digital Curation Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. January 16 2013.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Semantic Web & Linked Data. Mellon Foundation IT Projects Meeting. New York, NY, November 28 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Technical Details. WebEx talk for Cornell University Computer Science students. November 13 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Scholarly Web. University of Michigan Open Data Seminar. Ann Arbor, MI, November 31 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Paint-Yourself-In-The-Corner Infrastructure. Keynote at Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries 2012 (EMTACL2012), Trondheim, Norway, October 1 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. ResourceSync: Web-Based Resource Synchronization. Also for Data. NISO Forum: Tracking it Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research Data, Denver, CO, September 24 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. ResourceSync: Towards a Web-Based Approach for Resource Synchronization. TICER Summer School. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. August 22 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Web-Based Scholarly Record: Identification, Persistence, Actionability. Keynote at Libraries in the Digital Age 2012 (LIDA2012), Zadar, Croatia, June 21 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Web Archiving Activities at LANL. International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly. Washington, DC, May 2 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. ResourceSync: Towards a Web-Based Approach for Resource Synchronization. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2012. Baltimore, MD, April 2 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Third BlogForever Consortium Meeting. Berlin, Germany, February 22 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Time Travel for the Scholarly Web. WebEx talk for Elsevier's Advanced Technology Group. January 12 2012.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Time Travel for the Scholarly Web. STM Innovations Seminar 2011, London, UK, December 2 2011. Video recording at http://river-valley.tv/time-travel-for-the-scholarly-web/.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Tipping the Sacred Cow: Thinking Beyond the Journal System. Keynote at Semantic Web in Bibliotheken 2011 (SWIB11), Hamburg, Germany, November 30 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Michael Nelson. Memento & Open Annotation. Tutorial at Semantic Web in Bibliotheken 2011 (SWIB11), Hamburg, Germany, November 28 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Perpetual Now (and how to Esc it). Keynote at The Future of the Past of the Web, British Library, London, UK, October 7 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Persistence, identification, and the actionability of data citations. Symposium on Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards, Berkeley, CA, August 22 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Towards a Machine-Actionable Scholarly Communication System. Keynote at LIBER 2011, Barcelona, Spain, June 30 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Michael Nelson. Memento & Open Annotation. Tutorial at OAI7 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, June 22 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Resource-Centric Interoperability for Digital Scholarship. Meertens Institute eHumanities Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 16 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Michael Nelson. Memento: Giant Leaps Towards Seamless Navigation of the Past Web. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2009. San Diego, CA, April 4 2011.
Robert Sanderson and Herbert Van de Sompel. Introduction to the Open Annotation Shareable Annotation Date Model & Ontology. OAC Phase II Workshop, Chicago, March 24 2011.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento & Open Annotation. British Library, London, UK, December 1 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Michael Nelson. Memento & Open Annotation. Tutorial at ECDL 2010, Glasgow, UK, September 6 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Dataset Identity. RepoFringe 2010, Edinburgh, UK, September 2 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. RepoFringe 2010, Edinburgh, UK, September 2 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. It's about Time. Keynote at the IGeLU Conference 2010, Ghent, Belgium, August 30 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Annotation the (scholarly) Web. TICER Digital Libraries a la Carte Summer School. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. July 30 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Semantic Web and Linked Data. TICER Digital Libraries a la Carte Summer School. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. July 30 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Linked Data, OAI-ORE, and Open Annotation. DANS Linked Data Workshop, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 28 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. A brief introduction to Memento. IETF 78 - HTTPbis track, Maastricht, The Netherlands, July 26 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson. A brief introduction to Memento. IETF 78 - HTTPbis track, Maastricht, The Netherlands, July 26 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Open Annotation & Memento. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 20 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Accessing Resource versions with Memento. ODaF Europe 2010, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, July 7 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Versioning Resources to support HTTP-based Discovery. JISC/CNI Meeting 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 2 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Memento Workshop, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 17 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. DANS, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 4 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Michael Nelson. An HTTP-based versioning mechanism for Linked Data. LDoW 2010, Raleigh, NC, April 27 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 24 2010
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 10 2010
Herbert Van de Sompel. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Europeana Meeting, Berlin, Germany, January 25 2010.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, and Robert Sanderson. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2009 . Washington, DC. December 15 2009. Video recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePBMn-_I1rU
Robert Sanderson and Herbert Van de Sompel. Interoperable Annotation: Perspectives from the Open Annotation Collaboration. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2009 . Washington, DC. December 14 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Ghent University Library, Ghent, Belgium, December 9 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. OCLC Distinguished Speakers Series, Dublin, OH, November 19 2009. Video recording at http://www.oclc.org/research/news/2009-12-02.htm.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson. Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Library of Congress Brown Bag Series, Washington, DC, November 16 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI-ORE Interoperability Framework in the current Scholarly Communication Context. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI6), Geneva, Switzerland, June 17-19 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Robert Sanderson. In-depth overview of the OAI-ORE specifications. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI6), Geneva, Switzerland, June 17-19 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel. MESUR: Making Use and Sense of Scholarly Usage Data. Inforum 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, May 28 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Attempts at innovation in scholarly communication. Keynote at Inforum 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, May 27 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI-ORE Workshop. Inforum 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26 2009
Herbert Van de Sompel. Attempts at innovation in scholarly communication. Keynote at the Bielefeld Conference 2009, Bielefled, Germany, February 4 2009
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI Object Reuse and Exchange. LITA Standards Interest Group, ALA 2009 Winter Conference, Denver, Colorado, January 24 2009.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Carl Lagoze. OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE): Production Release of the Specifications. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2008 . Washington, DC. December 8 2008.
Ryan Chute and Herbert Van de Sompel. The djatoka JPEG 2000 image server. DLF Forum, Fall 2008. Providence, RI. November 13 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Carl Lagoze. OAI-ORE Workshop. Nordbib OAI-ORE Workshop. Royal Library, Stockholm, Sweden. September 22 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel. What to do with a million books: aDORe for storage and access. 2nd European Workshop on the Use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries (DORSDL2). University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. September 18 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel. MESUR: Making Use and Sense of Scholarly Usage Data. TICER Digital Libraries a la Carte Summer School. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. August 26 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange: The Web Architecture as the Basis for Digital Object Interoperability (invited presentation). TICER Digital Libraries a la Carte Summer School. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. August 26 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Work in Progress. Keynote at ETD 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland, June 4-7 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The MESUR Project: in search of usage-based impact metrics. UKSG 2008, Torquay, UK, April 7-9 2008.
Johan Bollen and Herbert Van de Sompel. MESUR: implications of usage-based evaluations of scholarly status for open repositories. Third International Conference on Open Repositories 2008, Southampton, United Kingdom, 1-4 April 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Ryan Chute, Luydmilla Balakierva. The aDORe Federation Architecture. Third International Conference on Open Repositories 2008, Southampton, United Kingdom, 1-4 April 2008.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Michael Nelson, Robert Sanderson, Simeon Warner. An Update from OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2007, Washington, DC, USA, December 10-11 2007.
Carl Lagoze, Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, Simeon Warner. Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange: A Status Report. Digital Library Federation Fall 2007 Forum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November 5-7 2007.
Carl Lagoze, Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI Object Reuse and Exchange: Interoperability for eScience. Microsoft eScience Workshop at RENCI: It is no longer possible to do science without doing computing, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, October 21-23 2007.
Carl Lagoze, Michael Nelson, Herbert Van de Sompel. An Update on the Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use and Exchange (OAI-ORE) Project. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2007, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 16-17 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (ORE). NISO Institutional Repository Workshop: Getting the Most Out of Your Institutional Repository: Gathering Content and Building Use. Beltsville, Maryland, USA, December 3 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use and Exchange Effort. The 8th Annual AISTI Mini-Conference: Innovate or Perish: Information Science at a Cross Roads, Santa Fe, New Mexcio, USA, May 15-16 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI object re-use and exchange: Moving interoperability from the metadata to the resource level. European Library Automation Group (ELAG 2007), Barcelona, Spain, May 9-11 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI Object Re-Use and Exchange. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI5), Geneva, Switzerland, April 18-20, 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Some Insights into MPEG-21 DID/DIDL Based on the aDORe Experience. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI5), Geneva, Switzerland, April 18-20, 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use and Exchange. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Retreat, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 29-30, 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Object Re-Use and Exchange. EUSIDIC 2007, Roskilde, Denmark, March 12-13, 2007.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Augmenting Interoperability across Scholarly Repositories. JISC/CNI Conference, York, UK, July 7th 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Brave New World of Repositories. Keynote at ElPub 2006, Bansko, Bulgaria, 14-16 June 2006
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Brave New World of Repositories. Keynote at IATUL 2006, Porto, Portugal, 22-25 May 2006
Herbert Van de Sompel. Thoughts on Persistent Resolution. Digital Library Federation Forum, Austin, TX, April 10 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Reading 2.0, San Francisco, CA, March 16 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OpenURL Applications for Contextual Services. Reading 2.0, San Francisco, CA, March 16 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The brave new world of repositories. LACASIST Award Ceremony, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 16 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Lessons in Cross-Repository Interoperability learned from the aDORe effort. Guest lecture at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 16 2006.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Jeroen Bekaert. Lessons in Cross-Repository Interoperability learned from the aDORe effort. CNI Task Force, Fall 2005, December 6 2005, Phoenix, AZ.
Johan Bollen, Oren Beit-Arie, Herbert Van de Sompel. The bX Project: Federating and Mining Usage Logs from Linking Servers. CNI Task Force, Fall 2005, December 6 2005, Phoenix, AZ.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Michael Nelson. OAI-PMH for resource harvesting. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4), Geneva, Switzerland, October 20 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Augmenting interoperability across repositories : architectural ideas. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4), Geneva, Switzerland, October 20 2005.
Johan Bollen and Herbert Van de Sompel. A framework for assessing impact of units of scholarly communication based on OAI-PMH harvesting of usage information. CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4), Geneva, Switzerland, October 20 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Simeon Warner, Michael Nelson. What's new from the OAI? CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4), Geneva, Switzerland, October 20 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Lessons in cross-repository interoperability learned from the aDORe effort. Building the Info Grid, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Thoughts about a Future Scholarly Communication System. Frye Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA June 14 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Repositories & Interoperability & Standards. AISTI Mini Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 23 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI-PMH for metadata and resource harvesting. Olybris 2005, Kos, Greece, April 19 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Z39.88-2004: The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services. Olybris 2005, Kos, Greece, April 19 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Untitled I: Challenges ahead. Keynote at Olybris 2005, Kos, Greece, April 18 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The making of the OAI-PMH. The Standard Summit, Washington, DC, January 26 2005.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Michael Nelson, Simeon Warner. An update from the OAI. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2004, December 7 2004, Portland, OR.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, Xiaoming Liu, Aravind Elango. mod_oai: metadata harvesting for everyone. Digital Library Federation Forum, Baltimore, MD, October 26 2004.
Thorsten Schwander and Herbert Van de Sompel. Dynamic de-duplication of bibliographic data for user services. Digital Library Federation Forum, Baltimore, MD, October 26 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Interoperability standards to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. TICER School for electronic STM publishing, Geneva, Switserland, June 17 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Scholarly Communication and the Open Archives Initiative. The Frye Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA, June 14 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Thoughts about tomorrow’s scholarly communication system. Keynote at the Current Research Information Systems 2004 Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, May 15 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Federations of Institutional Repositories and Interoperability: Harvesting the Low-Hanging Fruit. CNI/JISC/SURF conference on Institutional Repositories, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 11 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Federations of Institutional Repositories and OAI-PMH Harvesting: Beyond Dublin Core. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2004, April 16 2004, Alexandria, DC.
Carl Lagoze and Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI and OAI-PMH: where to go from here? Keynote at the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI3), Geneva, Switserland, February 12-14 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OpenURL and OpenURL Framework Demystified. VALA 2004 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 4 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Motivation, inspiration and innovation from frustration. Keynote at the VALA 2004 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 4 2004.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Digital Library Architecture based on MPEG-21 DIDL, the OAI-PMH, and the OpenURL. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2003, Portland, OR, December 8 2003.
Jeroen Bekaert, Patrick Hochstenbach, Herbert Van de Sompel. MPEG-21 DIDL, the OAI-PMH, and the OpenURL as building blocks for representing, storing and disseminating complex digital objects. Digital Library Federation Forum, Albuquerque, NM, November 17 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Yesterday’s thoughts on (the day after) tomorrow’s scholarly communication system. Max Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, October 20 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. A Post Digital Library Research Agenda. AISTI Miniconference, Santa Fe, NM, September 16 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. How to Create your own Open Archive. TICER Summer School, Tilburg, The Netherlands, August 27 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Scholarly Communication and the Open Archives Initiative. The Frye Leadership Institute, Atlanta, GA, June 10 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI Static Repository: a file-based approach to exposing metadata via the OAI-PMH. Digital Library Federation Forum, New York, NY, May 16 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OpenURL Framework: origins, evolution, concepts. NISO OpenURL Workshop, New York, NY, May 13 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. How did we get here, and where do we go from here? Keynote at Open Archives Forum Workshop, Berlin, Germany, March 28 2003.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI protocol for metadata harvesting. The Association of American Publishers, Smart Content: New ways to add value Workshop, Washington, DC, February 5 2003.
Tony Hammond, Herbert Van de Sompel, and Eric Van de Velde. The OpenURL Standard. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2002, San Antonio, Texas, December 5 2002
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI and a disaggregated system for Scholarly Communication. Keynote at the Ethical Forum on Scholarly Communication, University Foundation, Brussels, Belgium, October 20 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI and a disaggregated system for Scholarly Communication. Keynote at the conference Open Archives for Research, Ghent, Belgium, October 15th 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Update from the OAI. Keynote at the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI2), Geneva, Switserland, October 17 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI-PMH and the OpenURL: original motivation, direction, future. Keynote at the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Conference, Florence, Italy, October 14 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI: Open Archives Initiative. Workshop on "Reclaiming academic output" organized by the Dutch Library Federation UKB, May 16 2002
Clifford Lynch, Dan Greenstein, Herbert Van de Sompel. Open Archives Initiative Update. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2002, Washington, DC, April 15 2002
Herbert Van de Sompel. A New Harvest: Revealing Hidden Resources With the Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol. Keynote for the OCLC Steering by Standards Satellite Broadcast session on the OAI. Dublin, Ohio, March 26 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Interoperability standards to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Geneva, Switserland, February 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Reference linking. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Geneva, Switserland, February 2002.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Open Archives Initiative. Digital Library Federation Forum, Chicago, IL, November 18 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Interoperability standards to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Florence, Italy, October 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Reference linking. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Florence, Italy, October 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Systems for scholarly communication and the role of technology (part of report on Geneva workshop). LIBER conference, British Library, London, UK, July 4 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Systems for scholarly communication and the role of technology. Frye Leadeship Institute, Atlanta, GA, June 12 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OpenURL Framework for the Context-sensitive Provision of Service Links. Emory University, Atlanta, GA, June 11 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. OAI protocol & scholarly communication. IATUL conference. Delft, The Netherlands, May 29 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel & Carl Lagoze. OAI metadata harvesting specifications. Videoconference presentation for the UN. May 15 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OpenURL framework & SFX. Littleton Semninar. NCSU, Raleigh, NC, April 18 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OpenURL framework & SFX. Sun Microsystems ERC 2001. San Francisco, CA, March 28 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Overview of the OAI metadata harvesting specifications. Keynote at the CERN Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative and Peer Review journals in Europe (OAI1), Geneva, Switserland, March 22-23 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Untitled. Cornell Library Council. Ithaca, NY, March 1 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The OpenURL Framework for the Context-sensitive Provision of Service Links. Cornell University Computer Science Colloquium. Ithaca, NY, February 22 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel and Carl Lagoze. The OAI: Overview and historical context. OAI Open Meeting. Washington, DC, January 23 2001.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The roof is on fire. Keynote at the CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2000, San Antonio, Texas, December 7-8 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Open Archives Initiative. Digital Library Federation Forum, Chicago, IL, November 18 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Untitled. ASIS 2000, Electronic Pre-Print Initiatives: A Discussion on Comparative, Historical and Emerging Trends, Chicago, IL, November 13-16 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Untitled. ASIS 2000, Digital Libraries and their Role in Knowledge Dissemination and Creation, Chicago, IL, November 13-16 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The SFX framework, the OpenURL and the Open Archives Initiative. SLA Global 2000 conference, Brighton, UK, October 18 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Interconnecting distributed scholarly information resources in a context sensitive manner. Workshop at the Access 2000 conference, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, September 20-22 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Reference linking in a hybrid library environment. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Tilburg, The Netherlands, August 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Pre-print servers and the access to research papers on the Internet. TICER International Summer School on Digital Libraries, Tilburg, The Netherlands, August 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. the SFX framework & the OpenURL. NISO/DLF/CrossRef Workshop, Reston, VA, July 24 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Global Information Flows and the Open Archives Initiative. OCLC Users Council Meeting, Dublin, Ohio, May 21 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Universities and electronic publishing. Dutch Universities and the communication of scholarly information in the 21st century, 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, May 18 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. An open linking framework based on the DOI reference linking initiative. ICOLC, Orlando, Florida, April 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The SFX framework for context-sensitive linking. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2000, Washington, DC, March 27-28 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The state of the art in linking. EBSCO Board Meeting, Faro, Portugal, March 25 2000.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Towards interoperable archives: the Universal Preprint Service initiative. Interconnection 2000, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 1-2 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. Connecting distributed information services via SFX linking: the Gent & Los Alamos experiment. Interconnection 2000, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 2 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson and Thomas Krichel. The UPS protoproto project: description of a test project to create a cross-archive end-user service. Inaugural meeting of the Open Archives Initiative, Santa Fe, New Mexico US, October 21-22 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Universal Preprint Service initiative. SPARC member meeting, Washington, DC, October 15 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. SFX: een dynamische open linking service (translated title: ‘SFX: a dynamic open linking service). Informatie 99, Brussels Belgium, September 17 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. De wetenschappelijke bibliotheek en de communicatie van wetenschappelijke informatie in een digitale omgeving (translated title: ‘The research library and the communication of scientific information in a digital environment), Keynote at Informatie 99, Brussels Belgium, September 17 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. SFX: a dynamic open linking service. NSF-CONACyT - ISTEC Workshop on Digital Libraries, Albuquerque, NM, July 9 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. The Executive Lounge and SFX: two ways to integrate the information environment. LITA conference, ALA 1999 Summer Conference, New Orleans, US, June 26 1999.
Herbert Van de Sompel. SFX Links. Second Workshop on Linkage from Citations to Journal Literature [organized by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the Digital Library Federation (DLF), the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS), and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)], Boston, MA, June 9 1999.
Selected Presentations
FAIR Signposting: A KISS Approach to a Burning Issue. DataVerse Community Meeting, June 15 2021
Persistent Identification: Easier Said than Done. Workshop on Persistent Identifiers by the Royal Library of The Netherlands and DANS. September 10 2020
Researcher Pod: Scholarly Communication Using the Decentralized Web. Presentation for the Technical Committee of Nationaal Digitaal Erfgoed, Bruikbaar. February 12 2020
Almost two decades at LANL. Los Alamos, New Mexico, September 27 2018.
Signposting pattern for PIDs. PIDapalooza, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 10 2016.
Access to DBpedia Versions using Memento and Triple Pattern Fragments. CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2016.
Web-Centric Solutions for Web-Based Scholarship. Webinar for UCSU World Data System, July 22 2015.
A Perspective on Archiving the Evolving Scholarly Record. OCLC/DANS Workshop on the the Evolving Scholarly Record, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 10 2014.
A Quick Intro to ResourceSync. Prepared for the NISO Update at ALA 2014, Las Vegas, NV, June 29 2014.
Hiberlink: Investigating Reference Rot In Web-Based Scholarly Communication. CNI Membership Meeting, Fall 2013, Washington, DC. December 9 2013.
A clean slate. Keynote at ELAG 2013, Gent, Belgium, May 29 2013.
From the version of record to a version of the record. Keynote at the CNI Membership Meeting, Spring 2013, San Antonio, TX. April 4 2013.
The Web as infrastructure for scholarly research and communication. Keynote at the International Digital Curation Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. January 16 2013. Video recording of the presentation is available.
Towards a Machine-Actionable Scholarly Communication System. Keynote at LIBER 2011, Barcelona, Spain, June 30 2011. Video recording of the presentation is available.
Memento: Giant leaps towards seamless navigation of the Web of the Past. CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2011, San Diego, CA, April 4 2011.
An HTTP-based Versioning Mechanism for Linked Data. LDoW 2010, Raleigh, NC, April 27 2010.
Interoperable Annotation: Perspectives from the Open Annotation Collaboration. CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2009, Washington, DC, December 14 2009.
Memento: Time Travel for the Web. Presented at the Library of Congress Brown Bag Series, Washington, DC, November 16 2009.
Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE): A Quick Overview, Canned presentation for Dublin Core 2009 Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 15 2009.
The OAI-ORE Interoperability Framework in the current Scholarly Communication Context. Presented at the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI6), Geneva, Switzerland, June 17-19 2009.
MESUR: Making use and sense of usage data. Presented at Inforum 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, May 28 2009.
An Overview of the OAI Object Reuse and Exchange Interoperability Framework. Presented at Inforum 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26 2009.
Attempts at innovation in scholarly communication. Presented at the Bielefeld Conference 2009, Bielefeld, Germany, February 4 2009.
The djatoka JPEG2000 image server. Presented at the DLF Forum, Fall 2008. Providence, RI. November 13 2008.
The aDORe Federation Architecture. Presented at Open Repositories 2008, Southampton, UK, April 1-4 2008.
Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use & Exchange. Presented at CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI5), Geneva, Switzerland, April 18-20, 2007.
Augmenting interoperability across scholarly repositories. Presented at the JISC/CNI Conference, York, UK, July 7th 2006.
The bX project: Federating and Mining Usage Logs from Linking Servers. Presented at CNI Task Force, Fall 2005, December 6 2005, Phoenix, AZ.
Untitled I: Challenges ahead. Presented at Olybris 2005, Kos, Greece, April 18 2005.
Motivation, inspiration and innovation from frustration. Presented at the VALA 2004 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 4 2004.
The roof is one fire. Presented at the CNI Task Force Meeting, Fall 2000, San Antonio, Texas, December 7-8 2000.
The SFX Framework for Context-Sensitive Reference Linking. Presented at the CNI Task Force Meeting, Spring 2000, Washington, DC, March 27-28 2000.
Towards interoperable archives: the Universal Preprint Service initiative. Presented at Interconnection 2000, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 1-2 1999.
The UPS prototype. Presented at the Inaugural meeting of the Open Archives Initiative, Santa Fe, New Mexico US, October 21-22 1999.